Saturday, 22 March 2014

Homeopathy And Spirituality

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy (or "classical homeopathy", or"homeopathic medicine") is a powerful healing system that is uniquely able to restore health and well-being by correcting the spiritual imbalance that lies at the core of all illness. Through homeopathy one can gradually and permanently overcome chronic or life-long physical, psychological ailments as well as spiritual obstacles that have not yielded to any other therapeutic approach.

Who can benefit from homeopathic treatment?

  • Those whose well-being depends on ongoing intake of medications or adherence to a strict diet and a regimented lifestyle:
    Homeopathic treatment gradually frees people from dependence on external agents for maintaining their inner balance.
  • Those who have despaired of all other treatment options (whether medical or alternative) for their chronic condition:
    Homeopathy is capable of stimulating the curative capacities that we all possess, regardless of whether we suffer from a self-limiting illness or from a medically incurable chronic condition.
  • Those searching for spiritual healing rather than physical or psychological cure per se:
    Because homeopathy addresses the spiritual level of the individual, it is capable of addressing non-medical issues, acting as a powerful catalyst for long-term character development and the attainment of inner joy and outward creativity.

How does homeopathy work?

Homeopathy can be likened to surgery for the soul, because healing takes place through the precise action of homeopathic remedies on the spiritual core of the person.
By correcting this imbalance, which is always the cause of the physical and psychological ailments that we experience, the balance of body and mind is restored, freeing both to serve the higher purpose of our existence.
Once the spiritual cause of disease is removed, it is regularly observed that vast majority of conditions, even ones considered incurable, begin to shift toward health. Homeopathy is far more than an adjunct or substitute for medical intervention. It is, in fact, a powerful tool for spiritual development, and as such it can help overcome many physical ailments and psychological conditions that cannot be addressed by conventional means because they represent spiritual challenges. By accessing and balancing the core of one’s being, the freedom from disease which homeopathy brings not only alleviates suffering but also contributes to emotional maturation and to freedom to pursue the highest goals of our existence.
Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed

Monday, 10 March 2014

Homeopathy Can Treat Skin Diseases Effectively

Listing the benefits of homeopathy in skin diseases which can be broadly classified on the basis of their cause into infections, allergies or auto-immune disorders and physiological disturbances, Dr Batra's Homeopathy Clinic today stated the skin problems can be effectively treated with homeopathy.
In a press release issued here today, it state that Infections can be due to viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. While measles, chicken pox, herpese, and warts are common examples of viral infections, impetigo, folliculitis and abscesses are bacterial infections. Fungal and infestation by lice are parasites skin infections. Eczema and urticaria are allergic manifestations where psoriasis, lupus and vitiligo are auto-immune in nature. Physiological disturbances such as hormonal changes along with other contributory factors can lead to conditions like acne and seborrhoeic deramatitis.
Homeopathy recognises the body as a unified whole of physical as well as psychological components and confronts the problem deep within. Homeopathic medicines unlike antibiotics, anti-fungals, anti-parasitics or anti-virals do not target causative organisms. They boost the immune system of the body to fight and overpower them instead, it is for this reason that homeopathic remedies are invaluable in the prevention of diseases too. for example, morbillinum and variolinum have been used to prevent measles and chicken pox respectively. Homeopathy does not advocate the use of external applications as they ten to suppress the disease only to return with a vengeance at a later time or to affect another more important organ or system manifesting in a completely different way.
In acute diseases like measles and chicken pox the homeopath uses his discretion in deciding whether to medicate or not, knowing that these diseases are self limiting and usually run their natural course uneventfully. However medicines may be prescribed to treat the distressing symptoms and to prevent complications. Outbreaks of herpes siumples can be easily controlled by the use of remedies like nitric acid and rhus tox. In case of herpes zoster, depending upon the site involved, the medicine is selected. for example, ranunculus bulbosis is useful for herpes zoster affecting the trunk and aranea diadema is good for herpetic trigeminal neuralgia.

Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Homeopathic Slogans

Bolton homeopathy clinic, UK, homeopathy service for adults and children
Ad slogan: Putting your health first!

Alberta homeopathic medical clinic, Canada
Advertising slogan: A lifeline to better health.

Serenity homeopathic clinic, homeopathy in Port Moody, Canada
 A balanced approach to health.

Holistic healing homeopathy center in Singapore
Tagline: We help you to live healthy life.

Homeopathic clinics of homeopath Doris Hoffmann in Medway, Kent, UK
Advertising slogan: Get well. Stay well.

Mary-Jane Sharratt, Sussex based homeopath
Ad slogan: Restoring health naturally.

Nelson's, Europe's longest established manufacturer of homeopathic medicines
Tagline: Helping the body's natural defences.

Winnipeg homoeopathic clinic
 Dedicated to improving your health - naturally!

Redlands homeopathy, homeopath Jon Hay, homeopathic consultations and services in Cleveland, Australia
 Nature has a way of healing.

Marlow homeopathy, group of homeopaths in Marlow and High Wycombe, England
 Improving health naturally.

Lisa Formosa, homeopathic doctor in Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Motto: Discover homeopathic medicine.

Asha Frost, homeopath from Ontario, Canada
Advertising slogan: Intention to heal.

Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed

Why Homeopathy

A good physician treats the disease. A great physician treats the patient who has the disease

- Sir William Osler
(Father of Modern Medicine)
Homeopathy looks at the holistic view of the patient including their mind, body & spirit, their circumstances and life situation. It uses the totality and constitution to find a remedy that suits a patient, rather than just the disease.

This is a paradigm shift from the conventional model of how illness is viewed and treatment is approached. The homeopath with a holistic approach no longer sees one part of the patient disconnected from the other part or from the life situation they are in. It provides opportunity to explore intimate connections between psychological, physical, personal and environmental aspects of health.

According to a study by the Department of Ayush, about 10% of the Indian population solely depend on Homoeopathy for their healthcare needs and is considered as the second most popular system of medicine in the country.

Why a conventional Doctor should acquire Homeopathy skills

Homeopathy physicians are known world over for their patient-centric approach in case taking. Homeopathy skills can be incorporated into general practise both to improve observation and communication with the patent and to the management of cases.
Homeopathy can be used as alternative medicine in a wide variety of conditions. Moreover it does not interfere with conventional medicine and can be used complimentarily in many cases.
A conventional Doctor trained in homeopathy can give the patient best of both the worlds. This integrative approach to the therapy will enable the doctor to design a tailored treatment plan to best heal the patient.

Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed

Monday, 3 March 2014

Colour Of Homeopathic Improvement

Colour Of Homeopathic Improvement
The colour of the homeopathic improvement: The multidimensional nature of the response to homeopathic therapy
M Oberbaum1,!, SR Singer1 and G Vithoulkas2
1The Center for Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel 2International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonisos, Greece :
Homeopathy differs from conventional medicine in many aspects. Little recognized to date is the unique, multidimensional nature of the response to homeopathic treatment. We discuss this ‘colour’ of the homeopathic response; altered temporal awareness, paucity of language, selective amnesia, lack of self-awareness, the holistic character of the improvement, and the development of acute illnesses, all in response to successful homeopathic treatment. We conclude that, beyond its biological effect, homeopathic treatment affects the awareness. Homeopathy (2005) 94, 196–199.
Keywords: homeopathic improvement; Hering’s law; therapeutic response; multidimensional
Introduction Cartesian philosophy has been the central pillar of scientific discovery, and a great benefit for humanity. From locomotive to space shuttle and from penicillin to PET scan, this paradigm has dominated western scientific production for over 400 years. However, the wholesale adoption of Descartes’s worldview has not been without cost. Lost in the shuffle have been many of the subtler aspects of our existence. Homeopathy is a system of medicine based upon the law of similars. It maintains a holistic philosophy of health and illness. In that vein, homeopathy anticipates a subtle and qualitative model of cure and improve- ment. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeop- athy, declared that ‘after careful selection ofysimilar homeopathic medicine, health, recovery, follow in imperceptible, often rapid transitions’,1 and that ‘commencement of amelioration or aggravationy is not perceptible to every oney [and] cannot be described in words’.2 We maintain that this ‘multi-
dimensional’ nature of the homeopathic response has gone largely unrecognized, in no small part due to our prevailing cultural bias towards Cartesian logic.
Multidimensionality Response to conventional medical treatment is typically measured along a linear, monodimensional scale. This is exemplified by the widespread use of visual analogue scores to quantify subjective response to conventional treatment. Responses are graded by a single digit, lacking ‘volume’, ‘depth’ or scope. Sub- jective experience, while possibly of personal interest to the physician, carries no weight in therapeutic reasoning. The homeopathic response, by contrast, is charac- terized by subtle changes in the character of symptoms, the patient’s mood, appetite, energy level, and overall well-being, not just the severity of the symptom. Moreover, these changes cannot be judged in isolation: only the overall pattern of changes reveals the nature of the response. The patient’s rash may be exacerbat- ing, but due to improvement in the patient’s mood, relationships and sleep pattern, the diligent homeopath will judge that the patient is proceeding toward cure.
!Correspondence: Menachem Oberbaum, The Center for Integrative Complementary Medicine, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. E-mail: Received 11 October 2004; revised 14 March 2005; accepted 9 May 2005
Homeopathy (2005) 94, 196–199 r 2005 The Faculty of Homeopathy doi:10.1016/j.homp.2005.05.004, available online at
In contrast to the monodimensional measure of conventional improvement, the homeopathic response typically carries ‘colour’: The stitching pain may change to burning, numbness may replace formication, clarity of vision may ensue. The description, ‘cheerful- ness after stool’, beyond curiosity value, has no meaning in conventional medicine. Only resolution of constipation carries therapeutic relevance for the conventional physician. The homeopathic physician, in contrast, would find such a symptom of great practical import, possibly indicating a healing process or the need to change a prescription. The monodimensional dynamics of conventional medicine is thus traded for a multidimensional one, with appearance of new ‘symptoms’, recurrence of past symptoms, development of symptoms remote to the main complaint, and sweeping changes in the general, mental and emotional spheres. The emotional improvement of a rheumatoid arthritis patient responding to conventional treatment can only be understood as secondary to the physical improvement. In contrast, the mental or emotional improvement in a patient treated successfully by homeopathy is a separate entity, wholly independent of the physical process. To the contrary: homeopathic patients often improve mentally and emotionally early on, in spite of aggravation of the main complaint. Hahnemann and Kent both gave instructions for judging the response to homeopathic treatment 3,4 but ‘Hering’s law’ 5 is widely recognized as the yardstick by which to measure homeopathic improvement. We wish to discuss several subtle phenomena observed fre- quently in homeopathic practice but not to the best of our knowledge yet part of the homeopathic literature. The examples below represent actual excerpts from patient interviews. Each represents many similar cases seen during our experience with tens of thousands of patients.
Temporality Following homeopathic treatment, the patient’s sense of time is frequently impaired. Conventionally treated patients generally recognize when the improve- ment began, ‘Two hours after taking the Vioxx’, ‘Ten days after starting the cipramil’. Homeopathic pa- tients, in contrast, are typically unable to say. ‘When did the headache stop?’ ‘I don’t know exactly. Some- time between Epiphany and Mardi Gras’. Only on more thorough interrogation are they often able to reconstruct the process, frequently with the aid of temporal landmarks.
Metaphor Homeopathic treatment accentuates the poverty of language. During the homeopathic improvement, patients are typically unable to articulate the permuta- tions they are undergoing. Frequent is the resort to metaphor (‘as if’) to explain these changes. In fact,
whole volumes of repertory are devoted to ‘Sensations As If’.6 Conventional medicine also recognizes meta- phor (‘as if a sack of potatoes was sitting on my chest’), but only in specific, time-honoured circumstances, not in the spontaneous manner recognized in homeopathy. We propose that the limitation rests not with the patients, nor their physicians, but with the inability of language to express such nuances. Whereas conven- tional medicine is little hindered by this limitation, homeopaths must remain aware that language is an imperfect conduit for expressing the full gamut of human experience.
Amnesia Homeopathic patients typically undergo ‘selective amnesia’, particularly toward secondary complaints. These complaints, well documented in the patient file, are completely forgotten. ‘I didn’t suffer from nausea before the menses!’ the patient will protest, only to reconsider, ‘Well, it was getting better anywayy’. The repudiation is so heart-felt that we sense not only that the complaint has disappeared, but that all memory of the episode has been obliterated. A corollary to this is what we term the ‘Oh yeah!’ phenomenon. The patient is asked if anything had been changed since the remedy. ‘No’ is frequently the answer. ‘And what about the headaches you com- plained about’? ‘Oh yeah! That went away’. ‘And the ringing in ears?’ ‘Oh yeah! I’d forgotten about that’.
Holism Conventional patients frequently experience general or emotional improvement, secondary to improvement in their main complain. Homeopathic patients often share this interpreta- tion: ‘My mood is better since my colitis went away’. ‘I have more energy since my blood pressure rose’. ‘I’m sleeping better because I’m breathing more freely’. No doubt physical improvement contributes to overall well-being, however homeopaths frequently observe overall improvement far beyond what could be anticipated secondary to mere physical amelioration.
‘Changes’ in the environment Patients treated homeopathically frequent attribute improvements in their general, mental and emotional well-being to changes in their environment. ‘My asthma improved, but there’s been no change emo- tionally or mentally’. ‘What about your relationship with your husband? Last time, you complained that he was driving you crazyy’—the homeopath will ask. ‘Well, you know, it’s interesting. Since my last visit, he has totally changed. He’s calmer, kinder, and more attentive to my needs’. ‘And what about your boss? ‘Now that you mention it, she’s changed too. She’s more appreciative of my work, and has even offered me a big project.y’. The patient perceives the change
The colour of improvement M Oberbaum et al
not in herself but in her environment, unlikely as it may seem.
Acute Illnesses Chronically ill patients frequently respond to suc- cessful homeopathic treatment with an acute illness. Even patients who, though chronically ill, have been free from acute disease for years will, to their great surprise, suddenly develop fever or other acute afflictions. ‘You’re right doctor, my arthritis has improved, and I am also much better emotionally. But I hadn’t had a fever for years! Since I started your treatment I’ve been sick twice!’ The homeopath must realize that this is not a negative development but rather a step on the road to cure.
Interpretation We submit that our firm cultural grounding in Cartesian logic blinds us to subtle alterations in health and renders us incapable of correlating seemingly disparate processes. Homeopaths are not immune to this cultural influence, though it would be hoped that homeopathic training would to some extent mitigate this effect. One may certainly ask, ‘What is the import of these minutiae?’ The importance lies, first and foremost, in the homeopathic interaction. Homeopaths unaware of these subtleties may misinterpret their patients’ reac- tions to therapy and fail to respond appropriately. Patients frequently present at follow-up declaring that ‘nothing has changed’, only to discover that much indeed has. After receiving homeopathic treatment, a patient claiming that ‘only my environment has changed’, or denying ever complaining of a documen- ted symptom, is probably responding well. A patient with a ‘monodimensional’ aggravation but multi- dimensional improvement is most likely on the road to cure, though he or his physician may be concerned. On the other hand, a patient expressing a clinical improvement but no ‘colour’ is likely to be experien- cing a short-lived placebo effect. A corollary to this lack of awareness on the part of the patient is a lack of gratitude. Homeopaths’ greatest successes often go unrecognized. The second important implication of these observa- tions rests in their relevance to homeopathic research. We suspect that many of homeopathy’s failures in clinical trials stem from a lack of attentiveness to this ‘unconventional’ response. Clinical trails measure specific, monodimensional primary and secondary endpoints, missing many of the more subtle, indivi- dualized aspects of the homeopathic reaction. Arnica montana is a case in point. Arnica is homeopathy’s leading anti-traumatic re- medy, and one of the few which can be applied on the basis of a simple indication, regardless of the ‘totality
of symptoms’. This makes Arnica particularly suitable for randomized, blinded clinical trials. Anecdotal accounts of Arnica’s success in trauma are numerous. However, Ernst and Pittler recently reviewed eight such trials 7 and, to the surprise of many homeopaths, did not find Arnica superior to placebo. We offer two explanations for the disappointing study results. One is the flawed experimental model. Arnica is homeopathically indicated for blunt trauma, not surgical incisions, the model used in most of these trials. We believe studies examining its utility in blunt injury would yield more favorable results.8 Our second explanation relates to the subject of this paper. Monodimensional evaluation, the type most com- monly used in clinical trials, misses the multifarious nature of homeopathic improvement. A patient’s swelling may be temporarily exacerbated (monodimen- sional), but his mood exuberant (multidimensional). The bleeding time may indeed be abnormal, but function rapidly returning. We submit that holistic measures such as well-being, mood, energy levels and attitude, in conjunction with traditional measures such as bleeding and coagulation time would better represent the multidimensional nature of the homeo- pathic improvement than these traditional measures alone. In recent years, a growing body of literature has addressed the question of the scientific evaluation of CAM, with an eye toward multidimensional out- comes.9–15 We highlight additional burdens to be overcome in the development of adequate outcome measures of homeopathic therapy.
Conclusion Aphorism 2 of Hahnemann’s Organon of Medicine describes the highest ideal of cure as ‘rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health’. We extend the interpretation of the word ‘gentle’ to include mildness, subtlety and imperceptibility. Our descriptions of patients mistiming, inability to explain, forgetting completely, or attributing changes to the environment, leaves us with the impression that such symptoms have been ‘deleted from the hard-disc’. In fact, the patient’s complaints have transmuted, contemporaneous with a change in himself. From his morphed vantage point, his transfigured health seems natural, unremarkable as the morning sun. Medicine sees in ‘Restitutio ad integrum’, complete restitution, the highest ideal of cure. We feel that homeopathy goes one step further, erasing the disease not only from the organism, but from awareness.

Credit :

Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Sayings Of Some Great People About Homoeopathy

Mahatma Gandhi

Homeopathy cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment. Homeopathy is the latest and refined method of treating patients economically and non-violently.

Mahatma Gandhi

“Homeopathy …. cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical and most complete medical science.

Nobel laurel Dr. Rabindra Nath Tagore

It is not merely a collection of few medicines but a new Science with a rational philosophy as its base. We require more scientific interest and inquiry into the matter with special stress upon the Indian environments.

Swami Vivekananda

An allopath comes and treats cholera patients and gives them his medicines. The Homeopath comes and gives his medicines and cures perhaps more than the allopath does because the Homoeopath does not disturb the patients but allows the nature to deal with them.

Rajendra Prasad - Hon’ble Former President, Govt. of India

I believe Homoeopathy as a system of cure has great scope in a poor country like India and deserves encouragement.

Dr. S. Radha Krishnan - Former President, Govt. of India

Homeopathy did not merely seek to cure a disease but treated a disease as a sign of disorder of the whole human organism. This was also recognized in the Upanishad which spoke of human organs as combination of body mind and spirit. Homoeopathy would pay an important part in the Public Health of the country along with other systems. Medical facilities in India are so scanty that Homoeopathy can confidently visualize a vast field of expansion.

Shri K. R. Naraynan - Hon’ble President, Govt. of India

Homoeopathic treatment is my first choice not only for me but also for my family. Homoeopathy should be developed as full-fledged alternative system of medicine. More research and more development are essential to make Homoeopathy more popular and useful Homoeopath treats their patients in more compassionate way. Homoeopathy is second largest system of medicine being practiced in India.

Hon’ble Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

Homoeopathy is supposed to work miracles

Shri Jaiprakash Narayan - Former Health Minister, Govt. of India

Homoeopathy, unaided by the State, has wonderful progress to its credit. Its cheapness, its simplicity is remarkable. The cures it has affected are no less remarkable. I have no doubt; therefore, that it deserves state patronage as any other system of medicine.

Hon’ble Minister of Law, Govt. of India, Shri C. C. Biswas

If there is  scientific system of medicine, in vogue today, it is Homoeopathy; ther systems are more or less empirical, but not so Homoeopathy, which as a scientific basis of its own. That, in fact, was the great contribution of Hahnemann to medical science.

Ex-Minister of Health, Dr. Ashok Kumar Walia

Homoeopathy offers the optimal mix of simplicity, economy, effectiveness of treatment and cultural acceptability amongst the diverse population of a large developing country like India. Let us make all efforts to see that it is available to the common man, everywhere.

Mark Twain

The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. You may honestly feel grateful that homeopathy survived the attempts of the allopaths to destroy it.

Sir William Ostler- The Father of Modern Medicine

No individual has done more good to the medical profession than Samuel Hahnemann” (the father of Homeopathy).

C. Everett Koop, M.D. (Surgeon General of the United States from 1982-1989)

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a doctor. The doctors I knew as a very young child must have helped to plant the desire in me, when I was as young as five or six. One homeopathic physician, Dr. Justice Gage Wright, was a great model.

Mark Twain

“The introduction of homeopathy forced the old school doctor to stir around and learn something of a rational nature about his business. You may honestly feel grateful that homeopathy survived the attempts of the allopaths to destroy it.”
Harper’s Bazaar , 1890

Sir William Osler – The father of modern medicine

“It is not as if our homeopathic brothers are asleep: far from it, they are awake–many of them at any rate–to the importance of the scientific study of disease.”

Paul McCartney

“I can’t manage without homeopathy. I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I use them often”…

Peter Hain, Secretary of State for Wales,UK.

“Complementary therapies, like homeopathy, get to the cause – rather than just treating the symptoms…..I know from my own experience that they work…I’d like to see doctors prescribing homoeopathic treatment….”

Lindsay Wagner

“If I was not an actress, I would be a homeopathic doctor” …

Charles Menninger, M.D

“Homeopathy is the safest and most reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years.” … Yehudi Menuhin

“If satisfy the therapeutic demands of this age better than any other system or school of medicine.” …

Gay Gaer Luce, Ph.D, twice winner of The National Science Writer’s Award

“Homeopathy is a highly developed health practice that uses a systematic approach to the totality of a person’s health. Anyone seeking a fuller understanding of health and healing will find Homeopathy extremely important and applicable.”…

Dizzy Gillespie, great jazz musician

“There have been two great revelations in my life: The first was bepop, the second was homeopathy.”

Dr.Alpana Shah : Consultant Homoeopath
Homeoworld : Homoeopathic Clinic
267/1, Amar Apartments, Road No 12, Jawahar Nagar, Goregaon (West), Mumbai, Pincode : 400 062
Timings : 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM & 05.00 PM to 09.00 PM
Telphone : +91 22 2875 5716, +91 98 7075 5716
Sunday Closed