Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Dr.Jan Scholten

Scholten has combined the concepts and organization of the APG III system and the Element system and used them as the underpinning of his new Periodic Plant System. In his Plant system, the Angiosperm phylum corresponds to the Gold/Lanthanide series in the periodic table. This represents a high level of self-reflection and evolution. Scholten believes that everyone is an Angiosperm, part of the monophyletic group (clade), i.e. descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group, especially one not shared with any other group. It is the sixth series and represented by the number 6.

As in his Element System, answering the question “what is the problem” in case analysis leads you to a series. This is reflected in the Plant System through the class, for example, monocots. Once that is determined, you ask “what is the main focus of the case”, which leads you to the sub-class. There are seven classes and seven sub-classes which mirror the periodic table series. To determine the phase and sub-phase, you ask “what happens (externally)”, “how it is for them”, “and how do they feel about it”. There are seven phases, and seven sub-phases which take the 17 periodic table stages and synthesize them into seven. Finally, “how they handle it”and “how they react to what happens” is the stage as it is in the Element System, e.g. she fights (stage 12). There are seventeen stages.

The Periodic Plant System diagrams and charts lead you to answering these questions. Complete detailed charts, including those essential for determining the sub-phase of the prescription, will be available in the book.

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